GARCH(1,1) Model table
The GARCH(1,1) model output table generated by NumXL GARCH wizard for the S&P 500 ETF log monthly returns time series.
In the NumXL GARCH model wizard, enter the orders of the ARCH and the GARCH components. Leave Model selection to as GARCH
Selecting GARCH Wizard in NumXL Tab
Locate the GARCH icon in NumXL Toolbar (aka Tab), and click it to invoke the ARCH/GARCH Wizard.
Plot for S&P 500 monthly log returns
A plot for the S&P 500 ETF log monthly returns between Jan 2009 and July 2012
The summary statistics table showing ARCH effect test
ARCH Effect test results for S&P 500 monthly log returns
Correlogram plot for S&P 500 squared log monthly returns
Correlogram or ACF and PACF plot for the S&P 500 squared log monthly returns
Plot for the S&P 500 squared monthly log returns.
Plot for the S&P 500 squared monthly log returns.
Select white-noise test in NumXL Descriptive Statistics wizard.
selecting a white-noise test in NumXL descriptive statistics wizard or dialog box.
Summary Statistics table for S&P 500 monthly log return
Summary Statistics output table for S&P 500 monthly log returns with highlighted white-noise test.
Correlogram plot for S&P 500 monthly log returns
The Correlogram or ACF & PACF plot for S&P 500 monthly log returns. (Generated by NumXL correlogram wizard)
Correlogram table for S&P 500 monthly log returns
Correlogram output table for the S&P 500 monthly log returns.
Plot for S&P 500 monthly log return
Plot for S&P 500 ETF monthly log returns
Correlogram plot for S&P500 monthly prices
The autocorrelation (ACF) and PACF plot for the S&P 500 log monthly prices
Correlogram output table for &P 500 log monthly prices
The autocorrelation (ACF) and PACF table for the S&P 500 log monthly prices
NumXL Correlogram Wizard
NumXL Correlogram Wizard or dialog box
Correlogram icon in NumXL Tab
NumXL toolbar with correlogram icon selected
SPDR log-prices
a plot for daily log prices of S&P 500 ETF between Jan 2009, and July 2012
Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test for stationarity. The table is generated using the NumXL ADF Wizard fo r different stationary s…
Output table generated by descriptive statistics wizard using the daily log-price for Microsoft stock between Jan, 2000 and Jan 20…
Descriptive Statistics Dialog or Wizard. Select the cells range for your input data, and select the different stats available (on…
Selecting descriptive statistics icon in the NumXL 2007/2010 toolbar
Invoking the summary statistics wizard in NumXL 1.63 Toolbar