a plot for daily log prices of S&P 500 ETF between Jan 2009, and July 2012
NumXL toolbar with correlogram icon selected
NumXL Correlogram Wizard or dialog box
The autocorrelation (ACF) and PACF table for the S&P 500 log monthly prices
The autocorrelation (ACF) and PACF plot for the S&P 500 log monthly prices
Plot for S&P 500 ETF monthly log returns
Correlogram output table for the S&P 500 monthly log returns.
The Correlogram or ACF & PACF plot for S&P 500 monthly log returns. (Generated by NumXL correlogram wizard)
Summary Statistics output table for S&P 500 monthly log returns with highlighted white-noise test.
selecting a white-noise test in NumXL descriptive statistics wizard or dialog box.
Plot for the S&P 500 squared monthly log returns.
Correlogram or ACF and PACF plot for the S&P 500 squared log monthly returns
ARCH Effect test results for S&P 500 monthly log returns